Review of A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos by Geraint F. Lewis & Luke Barnes

Phillip Helbig

The Observatory, 137, 1260, 243–245 (October 2017)

This is a book review of A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos by Geraint F. Lewis & Luke A. Barnes. The title claims that the Universe is finely tuned for the existence of life. The authors provide evidence for this, investigate various possible explanations, and rebut the most common criticisms. Many readers have probably encountered various aspects of the debate on this topic; this book provides an opportunity to learn more at an accessible level. The case is well made that the Universe is finely tuned for life; the interesting question is why. Was it designed? Did it evolve? Or are there many universes in a Multiverse, and we shouldn't be surprised that we live in one which allows life? The authors, both at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy, make a good case for the existence of fine-tuning. The book makes a good case for the Multiverse: there is no other credible explanation for the existence of fine-tuning. This is an important topic and the book is a good summary of the field.

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