Conserved quantities in cosmology

Phillip Helbig

in 2022 Cosmology: Proceedings of the 56th Reconcontres de Moriond
Étienne Augé, Jacques Dumarchez & Jean Trân Thanh Vân (eds.)
pp. 333–334 (2022)
ISBN: 979-10-96879-16-8

Lake pointed out that a certain combination (which he dubbed α) of Ω and λ is a constant of motion for evolutionary trajectories in the λ–Ω plane and used mapping between α and the λ–Ω plane to demonstrate the lack of a flatness problem for cosmological models with a positive cosmological constant which will expand forever. In such models, the conserved quantity corresponds to the product of λ and the square of the mass of the universe. I investigate other quantities which correspond to α and other constants of motion in the λ–Ω plane.

info and local links to full paper | doi:10.58027/3q8k-ew90 (for the entire book) | ADS: 2022cosm.conf..333H | Google Scholar
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