Review of Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years After Einstein in Prague edited by Jiří Bičák & Tomáš Ledvinka

Phillip Helbig

The Observatory, 134, 1243, 376–377 (December 2014)

This is a book review of Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years After Einstein in Prague edited by Jiří Bičák and Tomáš Ledvinka, the proceedings of a conference held June 25--29, 2012, in Prague to celebrate the centenary of Einstein's brief but productive presence there, but only of the contributed talks and posters. The articles based on invited talks are gathered in another volume. Most are neither reviews nor historical, but rather present current work of the authors and, as might be expected in this field, most are quite technical. The generous page allotment allows not only for a clearer presentation, but also for copious references. Such a volume is thus a good starting point for someone interested in learning some aspects of current work in the field and then expanding on this via following up the references. With the centenary of General Relativity just around the corner, there will probably be many books, both conference proceeedings and others, appearing soon which have some connection to this anniversary. This volume is one of the first, and sets a high standard. It is, however, primarily not historical, but rather covers current research in the field, shown to be very much alive, and as such is a good starting point for those wanting to know what is happening in the now very broad field of General Relativity. The organizers have also made the presentations of most of the talks and posters available at and the proceedings versions at

info and local links to full paper | ADS: 2014Obs...134..376
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