Review of Origin and Evolution of the Universe edited by Matthew A. Malkan & Ben Zuckerman

Phillip Helbig

The Observatory, 140, 1276, 106–107 (June 2020)

This is a book review of Origin and Evolution of the Universe edited by Matthew A. Malkan & Ben Zuckerman. A large topic for a relatively small book, but of course any one book on such a wide range of subjects is an introduction only. Introductory books could be, and have been, written about the material in each of the six chapters, so the question is whether the chapters in this book are long enough to give a meaningful basic introduction; on the whole, I think that they are. They cover the Universe itself; galaxies; the chemical elements; stellar explosions, neutron stars, and black holes; stars and planets; and life. The writers of the individual chapters are Ned Wright, Alan Dressler, Virginia Trimble, Alex Fileppenko, and Fred Adams, with the final chapter having been written by the editors and Christopher McKay.

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